My oh my! How they grow so quickly time flies by. It is so strange to think that I brought this little girl home from the hospital almost 15 years ago...where did that time go? I always thought my childhood dragged by, but it seems that her years are flying past me. They say that time flies when you are having fun and I have been having fun watch her grow into a beautiful, amazingly kind and caring and funny girl. She is sassy. She is bold. She is fun! She is on the right path. She is smarter than she ever gives herself credit for. She is her own worst enemy.
But she is growing up so so fast...faster than I care to see her do it. I often tell her she can't grow up....that she isn't ever allowed to move out...that she has to stay with me forever. Secretly, I do hope that I have done a good job in raising her with morals, and the ability to be nonjudgemental, and with the ability to know right from wrong. I do enjoy watching her grow into a beautiful little lady...I do miss the days when she looked like this though...this is Kylie on her first birthday.

She was so cute...just a little princess...I still have this dress...her first birthday party dress...I pull it out from time to time to remember just how little she was.
But I do enjoy watching her grow and how much she changes, yet how much she looks the same.

Here is Kylie with my Mom. I think this was taken in 1997 just before Dylan was born. She would be about 2 in the picture. She loved her Gramma.

This is my sweet baby girl...or my punkin as I have called her since she was little. She is the apple of my eye...she is beautiful to me...She is a gift from God and I am forever thankful for her.
I'm sure it won't be long till I'm doing a post like this about Jack...and he's not even here yet! They grow so fast!