Saturday, April 24, 2010

I love this picture. I love the depth and dimension of it. I love that that boy hanging from that rim is my son. He loves basketball. Loves everything about it, but secretly, I think he loves being able to be big enough to hang there.....the ability to be that big and be so young and do that is a feat. He is a large child...not fat at all, but I often refer to him as my manchild. He is a 12 year old trapped in a man's body. There are times that it breaks my heart because people sometimes expect more from him that they should, because they are deceived as well by his looks. I think that his face still hasnt matured as quickly as his body has, but it will get there, or maybe he will always have a baby face. I think he is handsome and well rounded. He is ditzy at time and sometimes I wonder if his cogs are turning, but he makes me laugh everyday! His innocense is unmeasurable. He has a heart as pure as gold. He loves kids. He is a kid. He isn't in a hurry and never has been. He is relaxed, maybe a little too much at times, but it is what makes him who he is....and I don't want to change any of that. He is a lot like me when it comes to people....he actually is open minded and takes things into consideration. He somehow at the age of 12 understands that not everything is always black and white...and this I am proud of. It is my wish that he will do great things in life...I think God has that in his plan as well.