Monday, March 29, 2010

Thoughts of MY BELLY!

There has been so much on my mind...lots of things that many of us always think about...things like..."where is the sun?" and money, and love and sports, yes, it is almost baseball and softball season...and jobs and school and vacation and just how much I want to take one. God has been on my mind a lot...I know he is always in my mind, and heart, and soul, but lately, he has been in my thoughts...the ones I choose to hear. I have been thinking a lot about my salvation and my Christianity, and of what that means to me. I have been thinking of my mom a lot lately, most times, after 11 years of her being gone, I think more of brother and my child. But lately, I see Mom a lot more when I look in the mirror. I have been working to loose constant roller coaster..and started running and have noticed some of the weight coming off in different places...visiable places...which tells me that I need to work out just a wee bit more than I have been. But this morning, I saw my mom's belly! haha...this is a funny concept, but my mom was so thin...but she always had a little poochie belly...and this morning I saw that same belly as I got undressed for a shower...I stood and laughed and could hear her saying, " I earned that belly." and what she meant was, she had three kids and that is what caused it. Okay, Mom, I totally agree with you! LOL...that is our story and I am sticking to it anyway! Funny, how all of those thoughts, depressing ones at times, my Mom is the one that stuck with me...the belly...our shared belly and the reason why we have gotten this said belly I speak of...

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