Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Loss and love and Ron and Dave
So today I was thinking a lot about life and how things happen they way that they do and the reason why and how there are just some things that will never, ever make sense. There are just some things that no matter how we try to find an answer....there just isn't one. But the one that got my thinking and crying today was dying young. And not just dying young, that is a tradegy in itself. (and please, I by no means mean to make anyones passing more or less important than the next) I simply was thinking of those who have died young and have left behind spouses and/or children. Specifically, I was thinking about my friends, Ron Moser and Dave Shubert. I was thinking about their wives and their children and what they left behind. Ron died at up went to work to "live the American dream" as Ron often said and just never came home. Dave went for a ride on his motorcycle and never came home. Both of them, I am certain, had every intention of coming home that day and hanging with the family and playing with the kids and kissing his wife goodnight. So, the question arises, why them? Why did they have to leave behind what they treasured most? Why are they cheated out of seeing the kids off to the first day of school? or taking the kids for ice cream? or teaching their sons to ride a motorcycle? why are they denied being there to hug their daughters when they have their first broken heart? I also thought about their wives and how they are amazing people to keep going...I know they have no other choice, but they have to do it all. They have to do the work of two people. They now have to love those kids as a mother and a father. They now have to believe in themselves as they probably never had before. They have to push forward when their worlds have ended and forever been altered. I know that Wanda has done amazing things. I have seen it with my own eyes. She is a different person that she was the night before Ronnie died. I have seen her keep going even when she has wanted to just give up. I, unfortunately, do not know Allison very much, but I would like to. I know what Dave had told me about her. He told me how beautiful she was (and she is) and that he was certain that I would like her. I have seen her Facebook page and have seen how her close friends continue to encourage her everyday. I have seen how she carries on and smiles that beautiful smile that she has. I have seen her post things that, I am certain, are words of encouragement to herself. I have seen both Wanda and Allison keep their husbands alive in spirit and I have seen first hand how love continues even when someone is gone. My heart breaks for both of these beautiful women everyday. I can not begin to know their loss. I know of loss but not of that magnitude. I know of feelings of abandonment but not of that magnitude. I have no answers, and the one that I completely dislike is "things happen for a reason" about that is something that someone says that has never lost anyone. All I can do is pray for them, pray they find comfort, pray that they can see their loved ones in their beautiful childrens faces and that they will always keep their ones alive. I hope that they realize that Ron and Dave's love is larger than death and that they forever hold them in their hearts, and I hope they cherish every memory.
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so beautiful! I find myself thinking and saying the same things.