Above is a picture of Dylan, the one I normally refer to as My Manchild. Here he is as a cute little 9 year old. He is also the love of my life...I would do anything in the world within my power for him. He is my sunshine and will always be my baby...no matter how big he gets!
I heard a story about Dylan today. Although, I have often heard that he is a good kid, well behaved, very respectful, and so fun to be around....the thing that I am most proud of him today for is a story that was briefly told to me by another mother who happen to take Dylan to Chicago with her yesterday to celebrate her son's, which is Dylan's best friends, birthday. While in Chicago, they went to eat at Ed Debebicks for lunch. Dylan had left over ribs that he was bringing home to eat later but while walking downtown, he saw a homeless man and Dylan went up to him and gave him his leftover food and told the mom that he needed to do that because the man was hungry. He is 12 years old and already has the ability to see that there are others who are less fortunate than him...He is able to care about someone other than himself. This makes me proud that he made a difference in someone's life. It makes me proud that he was nonjudgemental...he didnt judge why the man was homeless or even make an assumption as to why....he just saw a another human being who needed help and he reached out.
So while I love the little boy that Dylan was....I love and respect the young man that he is turning into.
I can't believe how tall he is! And boy does he resemble his mama. You have every right to be proud!