Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11+ Memories of Mom

I had posted yesterday that I hated the Number 11...I linked this blog post to my Facebook account as I always do...kinda an insight to my mind for others to see if they choose. One person, my Aunt Shawnacy suggested that I find 11 ways to honor my Mom....and so she has inspired to do this sit here in front of the computer and find 11 memories of my Mom...things I am sure that will make me smile and laugh and even cry but I am sure that it will all warm my heart.

1. At my wedding, I played Wind Beneath My Wings as a dedication to my mom....she was and remains the one who made me fly.
2. My mom was so talented...she could make anything from arts and crafts to crocheting and sewing and even made my wedding veil.
3. I secretly think my mom loved her grandchildren more than she loved her kids...haha...she would deny this.
4. My mom loved country music...and I think that Randy Travis was one of her favorites.
5. I remember my mom would never ever leave the house without her house cleaned or without her makeup on.
6. My mom used to come see me and my brother, Jon, at work and she would order a small vanilla "comb"
7. My mom was a horrible speller...really really bad, and her grocery lists would always make us smile.
8. My mom had a green thumb, of which I did not inherit at all....she could grown anything.
9. My brothers and I used to tease mom that when she swam she looked like a frog!
10. My mom was the solid foundation on such rocky ground!
11. Mom always chewed gum...her favorites were bazooka or watermelon flavored...although I do think she always had watemelon on hand so that us three kids didnt take it all.

Funny thing is as I sit here and type, I can think of so many more things....tiny little minor things, that maybe I haven't thought of in how much she liked roses and antiques, or how she thought the sun and moon rose for Kylie. I can remember how she just glowed the day Jon graduated from college. I can remember her response at 5am when I called and told her I was pregnant. And really, I cant remember her being unkind to anyone....ever. I remember she loved unconditionally and whole-heartedly. And I remember the way she smelled and her laugh was contagious...but mostly, I remember that she loved me and I loved her and in the end...that is all that really matters.

Thanks Shawnacy...thanks for asking me to remember her as opposed to just missing her. Thanks for asking me to look within myself and see her!

And Mom....thanks for making me the incredible woman I am today!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful! I love the beauty in this post as I read through my tears I am in awe of the "heart" and love your mom showed for her children and her grandchildren! Thanks for sharing, it means so much for me to be able to read this! Love ya!
