Sunday, February 20, 2011

He stumbled.

My eyes popped open this felt really early to me, but my chocolate colored mousse room and dark curtains help to curtail the daylight from creeping in until I am ready for it too....I rolled over and looked at the clock....7:45AM. I was not happy.

I am not happy. I have nothing to do today. I didn't go to bed last night until late from visiting my brother and his family. I want to sleep, but laying next to me in bed is three books that my brother has let me borrow.

The one on top is callling my name, "Tracy, read me"

I swear that is what I heard. I reach over to the other side of the bed and turn on the lamp. I open the book and start to read. Clearly, I needed to read this book. As I am reading, I perceive the main character, Jones, to be larger than life. (I won't reveal who I think, as to not ruin it for those who plan to read The Noticer by Andy Andrews.) I am mesmerized by this book and the dialogue and what the story entails, and yet, I have this nudge to get out of my warm bed on this cold, wet morning and go to church. Now, I do not really want to get out of my jammies today. I want to stay in bed and read. I want to be lazy. But as many times as I pushed this thought of going to church out of my head, it wouldn't go away. Reluctantly, I get out of bed. I get ready and I head off to church alone, without the kids. I left them sleeping. It didn't seem to be as important to me that they be there this morning as it was for me to be there.

I walk into church, greeted by a friendly face and a warm hug. I mosey on over to the kitchen area and get a much needed cup of coffee. I say hello to a few people and go to find a seat in The Family Room. (this is what we call our church) I sit and a few come to talk to me. One in particular talked for a while before worship began and I was really blessed by her. When she had gone away and we started to sing, I actually pulled out my phone and pulled up Facebook, and typed, "sitting here wondering why I was so compelled to be here." I hit send and put the phone right back into my pocket thinking about how I would like to be in bed, warm, in my jammies. My life is taking or has taken a road or two that I still haven't came to terms with and well, life is sometimes a surprise...good ones and bad ones. My mind was wandering to say the least and I was not paying attention.

And it happened......they reason I was so compelled to be there.

The cutest little boy, maybe 18 or 24 months old, went running by and he stumbled. He fell. I would of normally ran to the child's side to see if he was okay, but something held me back..froze me in my place, and I watched as he stumbled and fell.
I watched as he stumbled and fell; and I watched as he got back up, never missing a beat. Never letting that one stumble or fall hinder him from his task at hand. He stumbled and he got back up, immediately. He brushed off his hand, and kept on running. That fall never happened to that little one...not in a manner that it mattered to him anyway...he fell, got back up, brushed himself off, and kept running, continued to enjoy life. He even smiled at me as I watched him before he ran away.

I quickly thought about life, my life, and the lives of others...really quick thoughts....and wondered why sometimes in life we allow that stumble, or that fall to keep us down for so long. I do not have the answer...that wasn't revealed to me today...or not in a manner that I care to share here now. That's a whole other thought process than what I wanted to get across here today.

My focused turned to the service and the songs and the worshiping of God. I did realize though that all of that thinking and the little one's fall all happened in less than one song as they sung. I am not sure what song was playing at the time, but I know when that little one took off running and the next song started it was, "Mighty to Save".

Thank God!

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