Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Being Present it is! The issue of being present or just being there. I recently had this conversation with a friend of mine...the issue of being present or merely just being somewhere.

I think there is a huge difference.

Being present, to me, is actually wanting to be there, with whomever you are with. Just being there is like being physically in a place, but allowing your mind and emotions to run somewhere else.

Am I making sense with this?

I find it highly offensive to be with a friend who manages to spend most of their time with their face stuck in their cell phone. I find it rude and disrespectful. I think that if I have asked you to do something with me, lunch or coffee or whatever the case may be, and you spend all of the time that we are together in the phone, I think, shame on you! I also think...please, do not waste my time. I, like most, have limited time...I like to use my time wisely.

My time is precious to me.

So dear friends of mine, please know that I know your life does not revolve around me , but please be considerate of others feelings. If you did not really want to spend a few hours with me, that is okay...I can understand that. But do not invite me or accept my invitation and then act as if you dont want to be there! You just might find that the next time you ask me, I won't be available!

1 comment:

  1. AMEN Tracy!! This is not only a huge topic between friends but also in the corporate world! It is so offensive, my company has implemented CLASSES on this! Silly thing is, we all know better and we know it's rude, so why do people still do it!? I'm with you.....DON'T waste my time!!!
