Sunday, July 18, 2010

He sat all alone in his room, waiting....waiting.....and waiting. The emotions that must have ran through his head...the fear of the unknown, the fear of not waking from the surgery, the gratitude that he will again live and breath...without oxygen tying him down...the sadness that someone else has died.....and he will get to live...the inability to think that someone could give of themselves in such a time of loss and prayers and bargaining with God. He sat alone....waiting. He gets the call...his life may change today....he gets the call that he is so been waiting for...he comes...he waits....he waits some more...he sits alone and thinks and wonders and prays.....he gets told that unfortunately his new life will not begin today as orginally thought...he gets told the lungs are not as were expected and are not suitable for he sits and waits...and waits....and waits!

Sign your donor card...make your loved ones aware you would like to be a donor.
Donate Life


  1. This post is so precious! Donor card is signed!!

  2. This is something I felt yesterday as I saw a patient get send home when the lungs he was suppose to receive were not suitable...Part of the emotion was what Chad and I had discussed while he was waiting and how he had been sent to the OR and then told the heart wasn't suitable for donation...there are so many emotions that are felt and many, I am sure, are not expressed. You have to live it to fully understand....even I as I took care of Chad and take care of many others will never fully understand...that is a burden that only they will know. It did break my heart to see that man go home yesterday. I felt as if I did have a small insight to what he must of been feeling. Thanks Chrissy!
