Tuesday, April 26, 2011

She's driving...where did the time go?

It seems like a week ago, I was looking at the ultrasound photo of my baby girl as she flipped around and kicked at the girl performing the ultrasound.

I knew from that moment, that beautiful baby inside my womb would be a spitfire and my suspicisions were right!

It seems like yesterday that I went to the hospital to have that little precious girl, and it seems like a minute ago that she was driving around the back yard in some battery powered vehicle...

But today....as tears fell from my eyes and I climbed into the passenger seat....

She began to drive my car!

The tears were tears of happiness for her, and also a tear or two fell as it hit me that she has grown to be such a beautiful young lady faster than I would have liked. But she has developed into this beautiful being and has such class, and passions, and she has a beautiful personality. She has grown into someone that I am very proud of.

I just dont know where the time went...how did she go from that cute little toddler that would stumble and fall and when something went wrong she would say in her little reassuring voice, "its okay, its an accident mommy" to this beautiful being sitting behind my steering wheel? How did this happen? Where did the time go?

I pray that God will be with her always as she is learning to drive. I pray that he will keep her safe when she is looking elsewhere or her mind is drifting while she is driving. (it is a scary thing to put your child in the seat of a car where she controls everything). I pray that God will give me patience, and understanding, and tolerance, and that He will allow me to remember what it was like to be 15 and full of excitement and wanting to drive. I pray that she will have some patience with me as well.

1 comment:

  1. I pray you get the excitement and that you enjoy this time with Kylie! I too, pray for God's guidance for her that He keeps her mind focused and that she stays attentive during driving! I also pray that you and her and the rest of the fam enjoy this time (seriously, when are you ever going to be able to teach her to drive again?)! That this is a time of blessing for all of you!!
