Sunday, December 19, 2010


Promises are me, at least. I will not and have no ever made a promise that I know that I will not be able to keep. Doesn't matter how major or how minor that promise is, if I say the words, "I promise" it is a done deal....there is no going back.
I have also tried to instill this quality into my children. They know this about there are times when they really want something they have said to me, "Momma, do you promise?" They both know they have me if I utter those words.

I am not sure that many people take the words, "I promise" quite as literally as I do, so I often times will never ask anyone to ever promise me anything...there's too much to lose for me. I would fully and totally without a doubt hold that individual to the promise cause where I come from my word means something...and I have come to terms with the fact that not everyone is like me!

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